Sweet Home Chicago    Part 2




TO: Editor of Customs Corruption.com 

It’s been about 5 weeks since someone displayed a copy of the “Sweet home Chicago” article from your website in the lobby of the Customs House in Chicago. (I urge all visitors to your web site to read this article and your recent feature article titled, “The Box”.) The Customs Service’s response to the mere display of the truth has been reminiscent of Hitler’s Gestapo squads, or the former Soviet Union’s KGB.

Bonni Tischler has ordered in her own personal “Gestapo squad” to root out this mystery messenger of truth, the “elite” Special Investigations Unit (SIU) of the Office of Internal Affairs. And the recent actions of Custom’s “elite” border on the unbelievable. They have so far flown in both a polygraph team and a computer forensic team. In their interviews of dozens of employees they have employed the disgusting tactic of fabricating lies, which pitted one employee against another in an effort to get people to admit to writing or posting the article. In one case they even made up lies that pitted a husband against his wife.

They intimidated at least one employee to allow them to copy the contents of his home PC hard drive. Instead of investigating the obvious indiscretions of Dick Roster, Bonni Tischer, Chuck Winwood, and Robyn Dessaure, Ms. Tischler’s “Gestapo squad” is intent on discovering and punishing whoever wrote and/or displayed the article in Chicago. As of this writing teams of at least six to eight SIU agents have been airlifted in from Washington on three or more occasions.

Already tens of thousands of the taxpayer’s dollars have been spent on this insane witch-hunt! In my opinion the only logical explanation for this behavior beyond destroying this honorable but lowly messenger of truth must be to gather information for Ms. Tischler’s personal attorney for her threatened lawsuit against you and your web site.

The blatant misuse of the resources of the United States Customs Service to satisfy one’s ego and for personal gain is unconscionable and has to stop. I implore all readers to bring this situation to the attention of their Representatives and Senators. And if you are a Customs employee I urge you to also report this to the Treasury Inspector General(OIG). The Customs Service is totally out of control under its present leadership, but there are too many dedicated and honest Customs employees out there to allow this to continue. Please, let’s do something to stop this.

Signed, "REDACTED" for safety reasons.

And Another one...

Correction to the Tischler article.

Subject: Bonnie Tischler

John, was just advised of your website by a present RAC/OI, who is a great guy and has always done what is best for the country, service, and his subordinates.

Needless to say he is not well liked by management, even though he can run rings around all the "kiss asses" that made it to the top.

Now, just to fill you in on Ms. Tischler. You report that she had an affair with an informant. I believe you may not be getting the full picture. Ms. Tischler was having an affair with a "subordinate", who at the time was a CPO on the East Coast, when she was the SAC in Tampa, Florida.

Tischler was informed by Internal affairs that this particular CPO, named Keith Puig, was under investigation for drug smuggling. Tischler was told this, by internal affairs agents in Miami, so she would stop seeing PUIG. She didn't. In fact there are tape recordings of Tischler and Puig, because there was a court ordered title III on Puig's phone. These recordings revealing Ms Tischler telling Puig of all the things she loves to do to him, to include oral sex. I know this because at the time of this investigation I was with internal affairs Miami.

Puig was later convicted and served time in federal prison for drug smuggling. It is my understanding that since Puig was released from federal prison for drug smuggling she continued to have a sexual relationship with him.

Just so you know that I am not making this up. I was a Customs "DELETED" who knew PUIG well and like I said I was with I.A. when this was all happening. This all came about during the Charlie Jordan case.

It's amazing what one can get away with. I knew of Tischler's affair with Puig when it was going on but didn't care until I learned of Puig's illegal activities. Which BONNI stated she didn't care!

Ms.Tischler, in my opinion, is a disgrace to the U.S. Customs Service, which I love having been an Inspector, CPO & Special Agent for almost 28 years.






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